Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Oh the places you will go...

Hello World!!  My name is James Tate.  Most people call me by my middle name Waylon.  I am a student at the University of Texas at Dallas and was selected by the Archer Center to spend my last semester of school interning with GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network) in Washington, D.C.  My objective in creating and maintaining this blog is simple: to allow students in the EPPS program at UTD to have an intimate, inside perspective into what awaits them upon graduation.  From conversations that I have had on campus, it seems all too popular thought that there really isn't much that one could do after graduating with a degree in Political Science or Public Affairs. Let my story...and the stories to come...inspire you to see all of the possibilities that await you and motivate you to think outside of the box.  A year ago, I was walking on the very same campus that you are now. Today, I live on Capitol Hill and work closely in the legislative process. If you take nothing more from this blog, let it be this: you are much closer to your dreams than you might think. If you have ever caught yourself dreaming in class about being a power player in DC and being on the front line of the process, it is possible.  I am living proof. Feel free to comment.


  1. The pictures are great and I am glad to know that you are having such a productive experience.
    Marie Chevrier

  2. Wish you more and more success Mr.Tate.your success is a living evidence that Karma exists. Good people deserve good things.
